APCC’s Cyanobacteria Program 2020
Aug 21, 2020 | Video
New video from APCC on the cyanobacteria monitoring program. Special thanks to Joshua Maloney. Cape Cod's freshwater ponds are special ecosystems that offer beauty and recreational enjoyment. However, poor water quality and warming temperatures is contributing to...
Cyanobacteria Public Service Announcement
Jul 28, 2020 | Video
A public service announcement about cyanobacteria on Cape Cod from the Association to Preserve Cape Cod. APCC monitors over 50 ponds on Cape Cod for cyanobacteria blooms and post the status of these ponds on an interactive map at When high levels are detected, we notify the town officials where the pond is located, so they can take the appropriate action to warn the public.
Deadly Pond Toxins Return – Lower Cape TV
Jul 24, 2020 | Video
July 17, 2020 — BREWSTER, MA — The Association to Preserve Cape Cod confirmed toxin-producing cyanobacteria blooms in two Brewster ponds earlier this year and expects to find more throughout the summer and into the fall.
Wicked Local: APCC: Beware ‘cyano’ blooms in Cape ponds
Jul 9, 2020 | News
It has been a busy season so far for APCC’s Cyanobacteria Monitoring Program. With pond temperatures rising quickly in the transition from spring to summer, Association to Preserve Cape Cod this week confirmed the emergence of toxic cyanobacteria scums in five ponds across the Cape: Walkers and Cliff ponds in Brewster, Mares and Deep ponds in Falmouth, and Long Pond in Marstons Mills.
Cape Cod Times: Cape Cod ponds test positive for toxic bacteria
Jul 9, 2020 | News
2 ponds in Barnstable closed to swimming as testing continues. Recent testing of approximately 70 of the Cape’s 996 ponds and lakes revealed the presence of toxic bacteria in a handful of them. These cyanobacteria are naturally occurring and produce toxins that can harm dogs and humans. Their proliferation is being aided by global warming and nutrient pollution by septic systems and stormwater runoff.
WCAI: Toxic Blue-Green Algae Blooms Spread in Cape Ponds
Jul 9, 2020 | News
In five ponds across the Cape, high concentrations of blue-green algae blooms are raising concerns about dangerous levels of toxins they produce. Blue-green algae blooms, also known as cyanobacteria scums, can make the water of a pond look like pea soup, though usually the growths are natural and harmless parts of ecosystems.
APCC’s Cyanobacteria Monitoring Season is Underway
Jun 30, 2020 | News
It’s APCC’s fourth season of monitoring cyanobacteria in freshwater ponds on Cape Cod. Toxic blooms have been detected in some of the Cape’s ponds that you should be aware of. Walkers Pond in Brewster and Deep Pond in Falmouth are two examples and in both cases, the town’s health department has posted advisory signs for children and pets.
The Barnstable Patriot: New garden blooming (soon) at Cotuit Library
Jun 23, 2020 | News
While the doors have remained closed, outside, construction of a new garden has been underway at the Cotuit Library. Like all non-essential businesses and institutions, the library has been closed since March; but while everything else in society seems to have slowed down, construction has been able to proceed at pace.