Cape Cod Times: Toxic algae bloom in Mashpee spreading to Santuit River

Nov 25, 2019 | Press

A section of the Santuit River that zigzags behind houses in a wooded area in Mashpee has turned bright green, causing an uproar among residents.

“I think at the end of the day, it’s going to take a public uprising about water quality, whether it’s Santuit (Pond)or other places as well, to create the political will necessary for towns to take the hard steps needed to solve these problems,” said Andrew Gottlieb, a Mashpee selectman who is also executive director of the Association to Preserve Cape Cod.

A cyanobacteria bloom has plagued Santuit Pond since June and continues to pose a health risk to wildlife, pets and humans despite the recent cold weather.

Cyanobacteria is a blue-green and often toxic algae that thrives on warm weather, stagnant or slow-moving water and nutrients from septic systems, stormwater and fertilizers.

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