The quality of groundwater directly affects the quality of the Cape’s coastal inlets, ponds and drinking water.
87% of coastal embayments for which water quality data exists were graded Unacceptable
35% of all graded ponds for which water quality data exists were graded Unacceptable
The Problem
Beach closures and shellfish beds are closed when levels of bacteria are unsafe for human health.
Dog poop contains bacteria and is high in nitrogen and phosphorus—the nutrients that pollute. Pet owners, you have a role to play in protecting our waters.

What You Can Do
Doo-Doo the right thing and pick up after your pet and dispose of in a trash bin.
Don’t toss pet waste near or in a storm drain.
Get your neighborhood or pond association to install mutt mit dispensers.
The Problem
Toxic cyanobacteria blooms are occurring more frequently in our freshwater ponds and pose a health risk to humans, pets & wildlife.

What You Can Do
AVOID IT and REPORT IT to your local board of health and APCC.
If your pet comes in contact with a suspected bloom, wash with tap water immediately.
If your pet exhibits symptoms of drooling, staggering, vomiting or convulsions, contact your vet without delay.
Individual actions by homeowners and businesses—both by the actions you take on your property and by making sure your voice is heard in the local decision-making process—can make a difference in the protection of Cape Cod’s water resources.
Association to Preserve Cape Cod
482 Main St., Dennis, MA 02638
Contact Us