This video, by Monte Ladner who graciously volunteered his talent and time to APCC, tells the story of Susan Baur and her connection to the Cape’s freshwater ponds. Monte has two more videos in the works. We can’t wait! Dr. Susan Baur is an 81 year old clinical...
Art, Essays & Stories
APCC Pond Stories: Mapping Ponds, 10-Year-Old Style
Jul 13, 2021 | Art, Essays & Stories
Get to know your pond and help others to do the same. Here’s an example of a mapping project you can do of your favorite pond. Submitted by 10-year-old Jack Martin. (How cool is this kid?) Got a Pond Story (song, poem, photo, video) you want to share? Email Kristin...
Pond Stories: Saving Deep Pond, Falmouth
Apr 21, 2021 | Art, Essays & Stories
About a year ago, a handful of neighbors in the Hatchville section of Falmouth began talking about what was happening to our beloved Deep Pond: mats of weeds appearing at the water’s edge; murky, warmer water; fewer frogs and turtles. We also noticed an increase in...
Painted Turtles
Feb 8, 2021 | Art, Essays & Stories
One summer I was invited to spend several days on Naushon Island, the almost mythical vacation home of the Forbes family, established in 1842 and located across the water from Woods Hole.
Snapping Turtles
Feb 3, 2021 | Art, Essays & Stories
By Susan Baur. Self-taught naturalist and author of The Turtle Sisters, Susan swims the Cape’s freshwater ponds and has taken a keen interest in observing the lives of turtles beneath the surface of the water.
What Floats Your… Float?
Sep 2, 2020 | Art, Essays & Stories
If you have a swim float, a float at the end of your dock, or maybe a float on your mooring, have you looked at it lately? Most likely it’s made with buoyant blocks of blue polystyrene.