Art, Essays & Stories

Pond Stories: Saving Deep Pond, Falmouth

Pond Stories: Saving Deep Pond, Falmouth

About a year ago, a handful of neighbors in the Hatchville section of Falmouth began talking about what was happening to our beloved Deep Pond: mats of weeds appearing at the water’s edge; murky, warmer water; fewer frogs and turtles. We also noticed an increase in...

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Painted Turtles

Painted Turtles

One summer I was invited to spend several days on Naushon Island, the almost mythical vacation home of the Forbes family, established in 1842 and located across the water from Woods Hole.

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Snapping Turtles

Snapping Turtles

By Susan Baur. Self-taught naturalist and author of The Turtle Sisters, Susan swims the Cape’s freshwater ponds and has taken a keen interest in observing the lives of turtles beneath the surface of the water. 

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