by SOTW | Jan 7, 2022 | News
A new report released Monday finds that surface water quality on Cape Cod has degraded for the third year in a row. The Association to Preserve Cape Cod’s annual State of the Waters report tracks the water quality of the Cape’s freshwater ponds, marine estuaries, and...
by SOTW | Jan 7, 2022 | News
One-third of ponds and nearly 90 percent of embayments on the Cape had ‘unacceptable’ water quality in 2020, according to the Association to Preserve Cape Cod’s third annual State of the Waters report, which also revealed the first-ever less-than-perfect score for a...
by SOTW | Jan 7, 2022 | News
The water column grew clouded with algae. Species of shellfish, abundant just decades ago, disappeared along with the eelgrass. The story is the same for estuaries and bays across Cape Cod: water quality is declining and has been for years. Full...
by SOTW | Nov 30, 2021 | News
FALMOUTH (CBS) — We’ve all seen it. You’re smack-dab in the middle of a beautiful place in nature, and you see a piece of litter. Dr. Susan Baur, an 81-year-old avid swimmer, decided she had seen enough trash at the bottom of ponds in Cape Cod, so she wanted to do...
by SOTW | Nov 3, 2021 | News
Individuals particularly susceptible to PFAS exposure —children under 12, women of child-bearing age and pregnant and nursing women —were advised not to consume any fish caught in Flax Pond in Bourne, Grews and J enkins ponds in Falmouth and Johns Pond in Mashpee....