by SOTW | Nov 12, 2019 | News
Isn’t this a beautiful drone shot of the fall colors looking down onto Santuit Pond in Masphee? But take a closer look! A cyanobacteria bloom clouds the water and has been making the water murky for several weeks. While cyanobacteria are a part of a pond ecosystem,...
by SOTW | Oct 9, 2019 | News, Video
APCC’s executive director, Andrew Gottlieb, announces the release of the State of the Waters: Cape Cod 2019 report. Most of the Cape’s embayments and ponds have water quality...
by SOTW | Oct 4, 2019 | Events
Cape Cod is connected by water. The groundwater we depend on for drinking water also fills our nearly 1,000 freshwater ponds, part of an extensive water network, many of these ponds drain to over 40 freshwater rivers and streams that discharge to 53 estuaries along...
by SOTW | Oct 4, 2019 | Press
The waters of the Cape are fundamentally unhealthy. That is the top-line summary of the just-released State of the Waters: Cape Cod Report by the Association to Preserve Cape Cod, which held its annual meeting and discussed the report’s data Tuesday night in Dennis....
by SOTW | Oct 4, 2019 | Press
More than two-thirds of Cape Cod’s embayments, or shoreline indentations, and one-third of its freshwater ponds have serious water quality issues, a new report finds. The report out Wednesday, from the nonprofit Association to Preserve Cape Cod, paints a picture...