by SOTW | Jul 13, 2021 | Resources
The purpose of this guide is to provide a “how to” manual for residents living on the Cape who want to be active in caring for a pond they love. One way is to form a pond association. While there are many existing conservation and pond preservation groups...
by SOTW | Jul 13, 2021 | Art, Essays & Stories
This video, by Monte Ladner who graciously volunteered his talent and time to APCC, tells the story of Susan Baur and her connection to the Cape’s freshwater ponds. Monte has two more videos in the works. We can’t wait! Dr. Susan Baur is an 81 year old clinical...
by SOTW | Jul 13, 2021 | Art, Essays & Stories
Get to know your pond and help others to do the same. Here’s an example of a mapping project you can do of your favorite pond. Submitted by 10-year-old Jack Martin. (How cool is this kid?) Got a Pond Story (song, poem, photo, video) you want to share? Email Kristin...
by SOTW | Jul 7, 2021 | Press
For the first time in its long history of testing the water at public beaches, the town has partnered with an outside agency to help ensure that Cyanobacteria are kept at bay. The Association To Preserve Cape Cod (APCC) has already begun testing several of the town’s...
by SOTW | Apr 21, 2021 | Art, Essays & Stories
About a year ago, a handful of neighbors in the Hatchville section of Falmouth began talking about what was happening to our beloved Deep Pond: mats of weeds appearing at the water’s edge; murky, warmer water; fewer frogs and turtles. We also noticed an increase in...