by SOTW | Jun 30, 2020 | News
It’s APCC’s fourth season of monitoring cyanobacteria in freshwater ponds on Cape Cod. Toxic blooms have been detected in some of the Cape’s ponds that you should be aware of. Walkers Pond in Brewster and Deep Pond in Falmouth are two examples and in both cases,...
by SOTW | Jun 23, 2020 | News
The Cotuit Library garden during excavation earlier this spring. Photo by April Wobst/APCC While the doors have remained closed, outside, construction of a new garden has been underway at the Cotuit Library. Like all non-essential businesses and institutions, the...
by SOTW | Jun 1, 2020 | Video
Herring Headed Home. It’s the end of May and adult herring have done what they came to do, which is to spawn in the Cape’s freshwater ponds. They are returning to coastal waters where they live. Notice that they go tail first over the fish ladder spillway. Video by...
by SOTW | May 22, 2020 | Video
This is a short slide video as an introduction to a multi-year project funded by Southeast New England Program and Coastal Zone Management that began in 2016. The goal is to improve water quality in the three bay area on Cape Cod in the town of Barnstable through the...
by SOTW | May 14, 2020 | Video
The Association to Preserve Cape Cod and the town of Barnstable have partnered through Barnstable Channel 18 to create a series of informational videos. The goal of the series is to educate and inform members of the public about what they can do to help keep our...