by SOTW | Nov 25, 2019 | Resources
Answer:? Title 5 septic systems are designed to protect public health by removing solids and bacteria from sewage. The design does not remove nitrogen and phosphorus, which are the nutrients that are causing poor water quality in our ponds and embayments. Solids are...
by SOTW | Nov 25, 2019 | Press
A section of the Santuit River that zigzags behind houses in a wooded area in Mashpee has turned bright green, causing an uproar among residents. “I think at the end of the day, it’s going to take a public uprising about water quality, whether it’s Santuit (Pond)or...
by SOTW | Nov 22, 2019 | News
Santuit River, Mashpee November 20, 2019
by SOTW | Nov 22, 2019 | Press
Photo courtesy of Gerald Beetham/Association to Preserve Cape Cod A cyanobacteria bloom that has plagued Santuit Pond since early summer continues to pose a health risk to wildlife, pets and humans. “That it’s happening at all — let alone this late in the year — is a...
by SOTW | Nov 20, 2019 | Events
“A study of health effects from exposure to PFAS in drinking water in two communities in Eastern MA—Hyannis and Ayer,” Laurel Schaider, Research Scientist, Environmental Chemistry and Engineering. “Screening chemicals for breast cancer risk: A new...